Projekt Ausbau Innenzwinger mit Auslauf 2016


FavSlider is a free responsive Joomla! module that let's you upload up to 10 images to create a slideshow and customize each slide.


FavEffects is a free responsive Joomla! module that uses any icon from Font Awesome and 6 preset CSS3 effects.


FavPromote is a free responsive Joomla! module that lets you upload any image and assign it a short description and a title with a Font Awesome icon.


FavSocial is a free responsive Joomla! module let's you choose any icon from Font Awesome and assign a color, a background color and a link to your social media accounts.


FavGlyph is a free responsive Joomla! module that uses any icon from Font Awesome and assign it a short description and a title.


FavImageHover is a free responsive Joomla! module that let's you upload any image and assign it a title with a Font Awesome icon. On hover, the image can be further customized with a short description and a "Read More" link.

Simple Responsive Slideshow

Simple Responsive Slideshow is a free responsive Joomla! module that let's you upload up to 10 images to create a slideshow and customize each slide.

Kontakt HU

Állatvédelmi - Centrum
Swiss Ranch

Matko 3, in H-6034 Helvécia 
Tel: 0036 76 / 701 297

Állatvédelmi Centrum Non-profit- Szervezete




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Bankverbindung HU

Allatvedelmi Centrum Nonprofit Korl atol Felelossegü
K&H Bank Zrt.
HU31 1040 1165 5052 6789 6751 1004